Early Detection of Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer is considered as the sixth most common form of cancer with 30,000 newly diagnosed cases each year and causing 8,000 deaths every year. If not detected and treated in earlier stages, oral cancer spreads and leads to chronic pain, functional loss, disfigurement of face and mouth and even death.

What is Oral or Mouth Cancer?

Uncounted growth of cells causing damage to the surrounding tissues is known Cancer. Oral cancer seems as a sore or growth in the mouth that does not go away. It includes cancers of tongue, cheeks, floor of mouth, soft and hard palate, sinuses and pharynx. If not detected early, it may also lead to death.

What are warning signs of Oral Cancer?

Along with going to the dentist regularly, you should also perform self examinations to detect the early warning signs. If any of the following signs come into vie; contact your dentist immediately

  • Sore lasting more than two weeks
  • Lumps , growth or inflammation in or near your mouth and lips
  • White or red patches in your mouth or on your lips
  • Frequent bleeding from throat or mouth
  • Difficulty in swallowing, chewing or speaking
  • Unexplained numbness or loss of feeling in any area of face, mouth or neck
  • Pain or tenderness in any area of face, mouth or neck
  • Recurrent sores on neck or face or in the mouth that bleed easily and lasting more than two weeks.
  • Chronic sore throat, hoarseness or change in voice
  • A change in the way your teeth or dentures fit together
  • Sudden weight loss

Who are at the greater risk of developing Oral Cancer?

Men are at the higher risk of developing Oral Cancer as compared to women. The risk of developing Oral Cancer is greater in the individual who:

  • Smoke cigarette, pipe or cigar
  • Use dip, snuff or chew tobacco products
  • Drink alcohol
  • Are over the age of 40
  • Are exposed to sun
  • Take diet low in fruits and vegetables

What can you do to detect Oral Cancer at earlier stage?

To detect Oral Cancer at early stage, ask your dentist for a routine oral exam, whenever you visit him. You can also perform self-examination to check any early signs of disease:

  • Look and feel your lips and front of your gums, using a mirror and bright light
  • Look and feel the roof of your mouth by tilting your head back
  • View the inside of your mouth, lining of your cheeks & back gums
  • Look at the surface of your tongue and floor of the mouth
  • Feel both the sides of neck and under your lower jaw for lumps and enlarged lymph nodes.
  • If your dentist find any tissue in your mouth that looks suspicious, he can perform brush biopsy
  • Your dentist may take a small sample of the tissue for analyzing any abnormal cells
  • Your dentist may advice Scalpel Biopsy
  • If your cancer is diagnosed, your dentist can advice more tests including; X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, Endoscopies and PT Scans

Oral Cancer, if caught early enough, is a treatable condition with wide spectrum of therapies available. To diagnose this disease early, regular dental visits and check-ups would be highly beneficial and helpful.

Contact Aesthetic Dental Arts, York PA for the skilled and state-of-art diagnosis and treatment of any of the dental problems & diseases. Our certified and professional dentist uses leading-edge and minimally invasive techniques and technologies to make your smile as beautiful as bright forever.