Gum Diseases

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Gum Disease?

Gum disease is the inflammation of soft tissue or gum around the teeth, which if left untreated can affect the bone which supports and surrounds your teeth. As the symptoms of gum disease start appearing in the advanced stage, it lies in the category of silent disease. This disease begins with the growth of bacteria in your mouth and may end with tooth loss, if not properly treated. Whether your gum disease will stop or get worse, depends largely upon how you take care of your teeth.

People usually start showing the signs of gum disease by the age of 30 or 40. Men are more prone to gum disease than women. There are the chances of developing gum disease in teenagers too but it appears in its milder form.

What are the potential signs and symptoms of gum disease?

Gum Disease may start developing slowly and painlessly but it shows few obvious signs including:

  • Gum bleeding; during and after brushing
  • Swollen, red or tender gums or some other pain in the mouth.
  • Receding or pulling-away gums that make your teeth look even longer.
  • Continuous bad breath or bad taste
  • Bleeding while flossing or eating hard food.
  • Loose or separating teeth.
  • Mucus between gums and teeth
  • Deep pockets between gums and teeth.
  • Change in the way teeth fit together while biting
  • Change in the fit of partial dentures

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, consult your dentist immediately, as these symptoms if not treated properly may lead to periodontists.

Contact Aesthetic Dental Arts, York PA, for any of your dental problems. Our professional and diligent dentist makes use of leading-edge technologies and minimally invasive techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases.

Diabetes and Oral Health

Oral Health Problems and Diabetes

Diabetes is a kind of disease that can adversely affect any part or organ of your body including your mouth and teeth as well. For a person with diabetes; it becomes all the more important to observe good dental care practices because of his poorly controlled blood sugars. And once an oral or gum infection starts in such a patient; it becomes difficult to control and heal it; and at times, tooth becomes loosened and fall out.

Which dental problems can the patients with diabetes face?

People with diabetes are at the higher risk of developing Oral problems like:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Soreness, Ulcers and Fungal Infection
  • Tooth Decay
  • Gum Inflammation (Gingivitis, Periodontitis)
  • Poor Healing of the Oral Tissues
  • Oral Thrush
  • Burning Mouth or Tongue

What are the preventive measures that the diabetic patients should follow to avoid Dental problems?

Since the diabetic patients are more prone to dental problems; they should observe and follow good dental habits and practices, be attentive to any abnormal change in their oral cavity and seek immediate consultation if they find any problem. Apart from these, they should consider the following points:

  •          Try to keep your blood sugar level as close to normal as possible
  •          Before going for the treatment of any of your periodontal disease; seek the advice or consultation of your diabetes doctor
  •          Inform or provide your dentist with the list of the medications that you are taking. As it will help him to prescribe your medicines accordingly
  •          Inform your dentist immediately, if your orthodontic device has caused a cut on your tongue or in your mouth
  •          Brush and floss regularly
  •          Quit smoking as it can further worsen your dental problems
  •          Make regular visits to your dentist
  •          Eliminate plaque build-up in your mouth by flossing at least once in a day
  •          Always use a soft-bristled tooth brush
  •          If you wear dentures, clean them regularly
  •          Visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleanings
  •          Immediately report your dentist about your gum or dental disorders like; soreness, redness, swelling and bleeding

Contact Aesthetic Dental Arts for the prompt and advanced treatment of your dental problems and disorders. Our certified and proficient dentists make use of latest and highly developed tools and techniques to diagnose and treat your dental problems and to retain your pearly smile.

Eating Disorders can put Your Teeth at Risk

Eating Disorders & Oral Health

Eating Disorders can damage your teeth beyond repair; ranging from decaying gums to damage and over-sensitive teeth. Dentists are of the view that dietary habits do play a crucial role in determining your oral health. Nutritional deficiencies due to the eating disorders severely affect your oral health.

Which signs and symptoms indicate that eating disorders are damaging your teeth?

  • Nasty or Bad Breath
  • Discoloration or change in the color of teeth
  • Worn out Tooth Enamel
  • Loosened Teeth and Weakened Jawbone due to Osteoporosis
  • Erosive Lesions on the Surface of teeth
  • Changes in the Shape and Length of teeth
  • Hyper-sensitive teeth
  • Swollen Salivary glands, Dry Mouth
  • Cracked, dry and reddened lips
  • Tooth Decay and Tooth Loss
  • Sudden and Unprovoked Pain in a particular teeth
  • Bleeding Gums

Which eating disorders lead to poor Dental Health?

Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa are the two major eating disorders that negatively affect your dental health. Studies show that up to 89% of the patients with eating disorders show the signs of tooth erosion.

  • In case of Bulimia Nervosa, patients feel compelled to binge eating and then purge food through frequent vomiting. Throwing out or vomiting especially damages the teeth, because the harsh stomach acids destroy the tooth enamel which in turn increases the likelihood of tooth decay and tooth loss.
  • Anorexia Nervosa victims starve themselves intentionally, as they fear that they would gain weight by eating. Because of this self-induced starvation, body becomes deficient of necessary food nutrients and as a result of this deficiency; jawbone weakens, mouth withers and teeth become loosened.

Which preventive measures can you take to protect your teeth?

Eating disorders pose real dangers to your teeth and result in poor dental health. You can observe a meticulous and thorough home care to prevent your teeth from any damage.

  • Do not brush immediately after throwing out, instead rinse with baking soda to neutralize the effects of stomach acids.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.
  • In-office fluoride treatment can prevent further damage and also lessen teeth sensitivity.
  • To reverse the effects of dry mouth, chew sugar-free gum.
  • Regularly brush and floss.

Contact Aesthetic Dental Arts

If you or your loved one is troubled with dental problems due to disordered eating; contact Aesthetic Dental Arts. Our professional and diligent dentists will work out a customized and efficient treatment plan and make use of state-of-art and minimally invasive techniques to restore any of the damages caused to your teeth.